Canossian Sisters South India

Canossian Sisters South India

Canossian Daughters of Charity, Servants of the poor (FDCC)  is an International  Missionary Women Congregation founded by St.Magdalene of Canossa.

Our services arise from the identity born of Christ Crucified, the Greatest Love. We are called to serve in humility, sharing a common life  at the service of our sisters and brothers of every continent. Through ministries of Education, Evangelization, Faith Formation, Pastoral Care of the Sick, Social work, we strive to touch each one with God’s love. Our motto is ‘ To make Jesus known and loved ’ especially to the most needy


Founded in


Canossian Sisters


Established in India



Canossian Sisters-South India


Inspired by the Greatest Love on the Cross, we aim at Making Jesus known and loved through: 1. Education 2. Pastoral Care of the Sick 3. Evangelization 4. Social Out reach 5. Faith Formation 6. Youth Ministry 7. Spiritual Exercises :

Canossian Sisters-South India


Integrating the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ and making ‘Inspice et fac’ our way of life, we become women of the Word and joyful and prophetic witnesses for our times.

History of our congregation

The Canossian Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor, is an international congregation of women founded by St. Magdalene of Canossa, in 1808. It is now 214 years since the Daughters of Charity realized their dream of striving to serve people in all corners of the world. Today the Sisters are found in all continents, where they are committed to witness Christ in the exercise of all works of mercy. Today, there are about 2300 sisters throughout the world in 32 countries, grouped into 16 provinces and 6 Delegations, serving the Lord through education, healing ministry, evangelisation and social work.

The first overseas Canossian mission was established in Hongkong in 1860. Two hundred years ago, a group of five brave Canossian pioneers landed in Cochin, India from Hong Kong and started their missionary work on November 24, 1889. Prompted by the spirit of the Foundress they began the work of serving the poor of Christ in a place utterly unknown to them in culture, language and customs. Very soon, Canossian missions spread all over India, reaching out to the poor, needy and destitute.

 In 1891 the sisters moved from Cochin to Belgaum which is the first house of our Province. Soon, other new houses were opened in different parts of India and the houses got grouped into two Regions and later in 1947 forming one Delegation with the Headquarters in Bombay. In 1966 the Delegation was made into a Province. As the Foundations were on the increase, in 1988 three Provinces were formed: India-Centre with 21 houses, India-South with 18 houses and India-North with 14 houses.

The re- organization of the Canossian Province in India was the decision made by Mother General Mother Elide Testa and her Council. Three distant organisation were set up: South, Centre and North , each with its house of formation . The Provinces of Centre and the South were already well established , while that of the North had to construct its own house of formation and provincial quarters. Having only a few Houses and less number of sisters, the Queen of Peace, North India remained a Vice Province. In 1991 the Vice Province Queen of Peace became a full pledged Province.


Canossain Daughters of Charity

Canossian Sons of Charity

Lay Canossians

Secular Missionaries of St. Magdalene