Canossa Convent, Punavasal


Canossian Daughters of Charity

The flame of charity of which St. Magdalene of Canossa was ardent about embraced the southern states of India as the Province of Mary Immaculate was formed in the year 1988. In the year 2015, an offshoot of the Province took its form as a separate Delegation South – East India Delegation of St. Josephine Bakhita.

In the Province 213 sisters serve in the states of South Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Canossian Sisters-South India
House: Tamil Nadu

Canossa Convent, Punavasal

The Canossian sisters reached Punavasal in August 1991, at the invitation of the Bishop of Kumbakonam, Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Remigius. The pillar on which the Punavasal mission rests seems to be the conviction of the sisters that families bonded in love, hard work and mutual acceptance are the backbone of the society as well as of the church. So right from the beginning the sisters started to work with the families. Marriages are rectified, school going children are given special coaching, drop-outs are placed back in the school, parents are conscientized about the need for education and helped to send the children to school, adult literacy classes have been started and girls and women are being trained in tailoring so that they can find gainful employment, those suffering from small ailments are cared for. While the above activities help the people of the area to be more human and self-respecting, activitiessuch as Sunday School, family visits, prayer groups, Sunday liturgy and youth meetings keep their faith alive and active. We also catertothe medical needs of the village through a clinic. A humble school is  started  in 2018  with few students. De addiction care also is given by sisters.