Prema Mandira, Bangalore


Canossian Daughters of Charity

The flame of charity of which St. Magdalene of Canossa was ardent about embraced the southern states of India as the Province of Mary Immaculate was formed in the year 1988. In the year 2015, an offshoot of the Province took its form as a separate Delegation South – East India Delegation of St. Josephine Bakhita.

In the Province 213 sisters serve in the states of South Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Canossian Sisters-South India
House: Kerala

Prema Mandira, Bangalore

It was in October 1967, the Canossian Sisters reached Bangalore. A house in Bangalore was much desired and prayed for not only because of its salubrious climate or its enchanting beauty but also because the sisters who secured admission to various courses of study – both religious and secular – needed a nest to come back to on week-ends. The first contact with the people in the area was through the dispensary, which started functioning in a room, which was originally a garage. The community of Prema Mandira runs a hostel accommodating girl students and working women. The sisters in the community actively participate in the parish and teach catechism. One of the nearby villages is entrusted to the care of the sisters, wherein the sisters provide spiritual and financial help to the local people.

Prema Mandira being the Provincial House the community has to play host to those who come to participate in the seminars and retreats and camps organized by the province.

The transformation of Prema Mandira into the Provincial House:

We take a walk down “History Lane’:

1889 : The first band of Canossians reached Cochin. They were followed by others from Hong Kong and Italy. As years rolled on, many young girls from India joined the Canossian force.

1936 : The houses in India were divided into two Regions. The Region of Mary Most Holy of the Rosary comprising the houses of Cochin, Alleppey and Vypeen and The Region of St. Joseph made up of the houses of Belgaum, Bombay and Allahabad.

1950 : These two Regions were invited to form one Delegation with its headquarters at Bombay.

1961 : There were already 20 houses in India. So, the Delegation was made into a Province on a par with other provinces in Italy and elsewhere. As the foundations were on the increase further re-organization followed.

1982 : Two Delegations were created, one for the North and the other for the South, both dependent on the Province of St. Francis Xavier, India, with its administrative headquarters in Bombay.

1988 : Another set up came into vogue. India would have three independent organisms – Province of St. Francis Xavier, Central India, with Provincial House at Bombay; Province of Mary Immaculate, South India, with its seat of administration in Prema Mandira, Bangalore and the Vice-Province of Queen of Peace, North India, with its administrative base in Lucknow.

1991 : The Vice-Province of north was granted the status of a province. So now the Canossian Congregation has three full-fledged provinces in India.