St. Joseph’s Canossian Convent, Kattakode


Canossian Daughters of Charity

The flame of charity of which St. Magdalene of Canossa was ardent about embraced the southern states of India as the Province of Mary Immaculate was formed in the year 1988. In the year 2015, an offshoot of the Province took its form as a separate Delegation South – East India Delegation of St. Josephine Bakhita.

In the Province 213 sisters serve in the states of South Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Canossian Sisters-South India
House: Kerala

St. Joseph’s Canossian Convent, Kattakode

The humble beginning of the Canossian community in Kattakode was in May 1970. The instrument the Lord used was Mother Rose Confortini, an Italian Canossian Missionary. The senior citizens of Kattakode still relish the memory of this simple Canossian about whose missionary zeal and sacrificial spirit they speak in glowing terms. The sisters in the community serve the people in modest but meaningful ways. There have been so many vocations to Canossian style of life from Kattakode. A tailoring centre gives training to few girls. A creche, which is supported by the State Social Welfare Board, together with the Nursey School, takes care of 150 children. Computer classes are also held in the premises. Free tuition classes are held in the evenings and on holidays to help the children who are first generation learners to cope with their daily lessons. One  sister serve in the parish school.

From the beginning to this day, the sisters concentrate all their attention and energy on socio-pastoral activities – self-help groups, catechism classes, preparation for the sacraments, youth programs, rectification of marriages – anything and everything that leads to the betterment of the people of God.