Villa Canossa, Wellington


Canossian Daughters of Charity

The flame of charity of which St. Magdalene of Canossa was ardent about embraced the southern states of India as the Province of Mary Immaculate was formed in the year 1988. In the year 2015, an offshoot of the Province took its form as a separate Delegation South – East India Delegation of St. Josephine Bakhita.

In the Province 213 sisters serve in the states of South Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Canossian Sisters-South India
House: Kerala

Villa Canossa, Wellington

Villa Canossa, Wellington was inaugurated in April 1926. It was initially meant to be a holiday villa to be kept opened every year during summer months of April and May for the sake of Italian sisters who found the Indian summer unbearable and was inclined to fall sick. Villa Canossa is a good neighbor to the military barracks in Wellington. The house continued to be a holiday villa till 1979, when a regular community was established and the sisters got very much involved in parish activities like Sunday School, preparing adults and children to receive the sacraments and family visits. Apart from the parish activities, a technical school to teach typing and short

hand to the unemployed girls and a button packing section to help some unemployed women were started. By 1986, it was thought fit to transfer the postulancy to the cool hills of Wellington. In 1992, there came a request from M. General to hand over the house to St Francis Xavier’s Province, Bombay. In a few years the house fell back into the hands of the South Province in 1999. Today the sisters are engaged in family visits, catechism, tuition classes, women empowerment, youth training programs, scripture classes, senior citizens forum and a De addiction Centre to cater to the urgent need of he time.  As a result ,thousands of alcoholics were transformed into dignified human beings.